Developer judges wanted to make this project a reality
From universities including SFU, Emily Carr and Capilano University
In the productivity stream
Broomies is a household task tracker for students in shared living to split tasks and hold each other accountable.
Shared living can get messy.
University students living in shared accommodations often struggle with managing household responsibilities.

Research revelations
Students who lived with >2 people used a white board or calendar
This system often fell through in a few weeks
In some cases one person managed everyone else through text messages
This system often led to conflict and stress on the “manager”
In other cases, one person just got tired of the mess and did everything
Nobody deserves that
Design process and decisions
Early ideation and sketches

Automate division of household tasks
✅ app notifications & reminders
✅ equal division of labour
✅ ask to swap tasks

Keeping everyone accountable and incentivized
✅ defined standards of task completion and photo requirement
✅ point system and putting some $$ on the line

The results were overwhelmingly positive...
Developer judges wanted to make this project a reality
From universities including SFU, Emily Carr and Capilano University
In the productivity stream
Future improvements
3rd party option
Give landlords the possibility to monitor the cleanliness of their spaces
University partnerships
Partner with university residences to guarantee clean living spaces to all students
App embedding
Being able to embed the app to maintenance services, (ex. Doordash...)